

​The Family Business by Merry Mortal

​The Family Business by Merry Mortal

Posted by Merry Mortal on 21st Nov 2015

It’s shameful to admit because it’s so taboo, but as a kid, I had a crush on my second cousin. He was a couple years older than I, very good looking, and if I’m really honest with myself and my pa … read more
Fearing the Best by Merry Mortal

Fearing the Best by Merry Mortal

Posted by Checked Baggage Only by Merry Mortal on 18th Nov 2015

When I came into AA, I feared everything and everyone. In the advanced stage of my disease, I was experiencing audio and visual hallucinations even while sober. An incessant desire to escape and numb& … read more
6 Way Living Abroad has Challenged My Character

6 Way Living Abroad has Challenged My Character

Posted by Merry Mortal on 15th Nov 2015

It took me two years to summon the courage to make the daunting move overseas. There was no magical sum in my bank account that would make me feel more prepared. The perfect job would not be wooed’d b … read more
Foundation of Fear by Merry Mortal

Foundation of Fear by Merry Mortal

Posted by Merry Mortal on 12th Nov 2015

I recently visited Venice and was captivated by this majestic lagoon of splendor. Famous for its dazzling beauty and channels of romance, this shallow city was paradoxically built on fear. Seeking s … read more

The Gene that Triumphed by Merry Mortal

Posted by Merry Mortal on 10th Nov 2015

By all logical estimations, I was destined to be an alcoholic. If I had any say in it however, I would have been spotless and perfect; untainted by the allure of being wasted. In my early adolescent … read more

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