

The Search for Love​ by Merry Mortal

The Search for Love​ by Merry Mortal

Posted by Merry Mortal on 29th Nov 2015

"I want this one!""No, that's my Barbie. I'm always her.""Fine, then I get the new Ken."Grunts. "Okay."As my sister and I brushed our Barbie's ratted, mesmerizing blonde hair, we contemplated how … read more
I’m Bringing Sexy Back by Merry Mortal

I’m Bringing Sexy Back by Merry Mortal

Posted by Merry Mortal on 27th Nov 2015

You know how they say that your past will become your greatest asset? Or that you will no longer fear the past nor wish to shut the door on it? Those promises have come true for me, but vestiges … read more
Food for Thought on This Thanksgiving by Merry Mortal

Food for Thought on This Thanksgiving by Merry Mortal

Posted by Merry Mortal on 25th Nov 2015

For many of us, the holidays are a time to reconnect with family, reflect on years passed, and express gratitude. Marketed as a joyous time of year complete with loving reunions, gifts, and copious wi … read more
Fearing the Best by Merry Mortal

Fearing the Best by Merry Mortal

Posted by Checked Baggage Only by Merry Mortal on 18th Nov 2015

When I came into AA, I feared everything and everyone. In the advanced stage of my disease, I was experiencing audio and visual hallucinations even while sober. An incessant desire to escape and numb& … read more

​You Can’t Throw in the Towel by Ryan Jones

Posted by Ryan Jones on 28th Aug 2015

You Can’t Throw in the TowelI am an addict in recovery for addiction to alcohol and opioids. I was born in Castro Valley, California in 1967 to an unwed mother. My parents began dating during thei … read more

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