Tips to Stay Sober at Night Out Parties
Posted by Daniella Park on 16th Aug 2022
Shrouded in secrecy and behind closed doors thrives a habit. A habit that could prove to be the turning point in your life. A pivotal moment that lets you sow the seeds of what you will reap in years to come. A routine that has altered the methodology of how you live your daily life. The newly made code of conduct now starts defining your actions and becomes the perpetrator, making you fall into the pit of a degraded lifestyle. A certain atrophy comes more as a behavioral change to determine what dramatic challenges life will impose upon leading to a permanent hijack!
Do night-outs and parties act as triggers for what you are fighting against?
What has added to your misfortunes is your subservient nature! What's most sought is the comfort in attaining complacency and the act of submitting. Submitting to what makes you feel good temporarily, if not forever. Several reasons exist, including those hangouts, parties, night outings, and gatherings to let you fall for what’s foul and simply unnecessary. It is the habit of overdrinking or drug abuse that you tend to imbibe in the company of your friends. The ambiance and feeling of being there and partying full-throttle is the invigorator. The fact that you have lost your conscious control, does not allow you to stay sober when clubbing and pubbing.
The featured event for the evening might promote different themes and a variety of stimulants that could let you face the old triggers. The prospect of attending a night-out party is scary and might lead to your emotions outwitting your consciousness. You give way to what you have been fighting against under the practice of staying sober and on your road to recovery! But, the question is, will the pressure of not submitting to your triggers let you avoid partying? Can you not stay sober and have fun at the same time? Here are a few tips that help you relax and unwind during night outings and parties, proving no harm to your sobriety dates and schedule.
1)Know how to say “no.”
You have to implore yourself and commit to what you have achieved on the road to staying sober. It is the need to become empathetic and quite earnestly beg yourself to understand how difficult it has been and what all you have already lost in achieving what you could have long before if you never indulged in alcohol and drug abuse and addiction. Only then will you realize how far you have come and to what depth you have stretched your limits. It is the ask to stay sober that will let you respond as to how your conscience demands. Think of your conscience and the dedication, grit, and determination in you, that’s been the armory to fight all these years will let you respond positively the next time anyone offers you a drink on the bar table. It might require some will, but you must stick to your plans to respond appropriately. The other way around is to carry a non-alcoholic drink in your hand. If it looks like you already have a drink, no one will try to offer you one.
2)A friend in need is a friend indeed
Whenever out partying, carry a sober friend! An affirmative companion who is more of a source of support, encouragement, and hope. A person who stops you from bowing down to any passivity on your way to achieving the good. A sober friend in the house keeps you accountable for your actions. You can both share the same perspective and roll your eyes together in disgust when the others start drinking. It is only him whom you can trust and rely upon, but not more than yourself, obviously!
3)Keep yourself not detached but more involved
Help the host cook, clean up or do the dishes. This keeps you busy, makes you feel included, and keeps your inner focus off yourself. Involve yourself as much as possible to avoid submitting to anything foul. Commit to your friendship and work in complete accord with the host to let the others be your guests. Get those eateries and drinks served, have the cutlery in place, check for the arrangement of the dance floor and the DJ, and don’t hesitate to pick and drop the debris to keep the place litter-free. Be a helping hand, and stay sober!
4)Your sobriety gifts remind you of your habit of staying sober, take them with you
Take your sobriety gifts with you. Have your recovery medallions, greeting cards, coins, jewelry, and apparel with you! Every time you need support, they are there having your back. Your sobriety gifts not just let you stay sober during the party but also put forth a positive message that spreads a good word of wisdom for those unversed. These tokens of appreciation, love, and respect spread the word about the need to stay sober and still have fun.
Take control of your emotions and think wisely
The compulsion to submit and bow down to the wrongdoing eventually leads to lost morale and a detrimental psychological and emotional being who has succumbed to living by the actions that no more define him but the habit. Drug abuse and addiction let you lose the commitment and focus and swivel away from the mainstream. The habit of over drinking undeniably lets the feelings of depression, anxiety, stress, and overthinking overpower you. So much so that your conscience seems to die. The normal hardwiring of helpful brain processes can begin to work against you. A pity state with exactly no catalyst or a trigger to help you heal through the practice of healthy living?
Anything and everything turns your way if you put your mind to it! Keep living sober and think of the bigger challenges in life. Lead a normal life, a mesmerizing one that keeps you sober with its intoxication and you being high on living it to the fullest. Get a good gold of your conscious being and fully control whatever you do. You will certainly see better things coming. And, yes, you always have doingitsober offering sobriety gifts in the fight against submitting to drug addiction! Have your sobriety gifts exchanged, and stay in the fight!