

Back To Basic

Back To Basic

Posted by Jennifer Stewart on 14th Oct 2016

Back to Basics By Jennifer StewartPeace comes from within, do not seek it without’-Buddha I left Australia & landed in Sri Lanka on the fifth of October.I have been here almost a week now & … read more
"Balance of self, mind & body"

"Balance of self, mind & body"

Posted by Sam Pav on 12th Oct 2016

24 hours, 1,440 minutes, and 86,400 seconds....all in one day. We all have the same amount of seconds in a day than everyone on earth. How do you spend them? We sleep away 1/3 of our life, on aver … read more
A Suicide in the Family: Supporting Those Left Behind

A Suicide in the Family: Supporting Those Left Behind

Posted by Adam Cook - Addiction Hub on 6th Oct 2016

                                          The suicide of a loved one is something that sha … read more
This isn’t all about you

This isn’t all about you

Posted by Jennifer Stuart - SOBERINSIX on 4th Oct 2016

This isn’t all about youHave you thought about that? By J. Stewart As an addict, you’re not only hurting yourself.I know you’ve heard it a million times before, but it’s true – you’re killing th … read more

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