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Exploring the Origins of the 3rd Step Prayer in AA

Exploring the Origins of the 3rd Step Prayer in AA

Posted by Daniella Park on 14th Nov 2024

AA 3rd step prayer

Prayer is critical to addiction recovery. Whether you’re a religious zealot or heretical atheist, saying your devotions to a higher power inches you closer to full abstinence.

The significance of divine intervention for recovering addicts has been extensively investigated. In one study, researchers found that praying earnestly may reduce harmful drinking and help in treating alcohol use disorder (AUD).

Prayer can deepen your spiritual path and challenge you to discover a new purpose in life. As a recovering alcohol addict, making a devotion each morning may uplift your moods and boost your positive outlook. This is necessary for combating alcohol cues and other intrusive thoughts associated with substance abuse.

It’sin light of those benefits that Alcoholics Anonymous integrated prayers into its recovery programs.

In this blog, we’ll narrow down our focus to the AA 3rd step prayer. Read on for insights into the origins and meaning of this iconic AA prayer.

3rd Step AA Prayer

What Is The 3rd Step AA Prayer?

Prayer is an essential component of Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Steps.

AA’s 12-step program was created to encourage chronic alcohol users to harness divine power in recovering from the adverse effects of alcoholism. It constitutes the organization’s spiritual foundation.

Many former alcohol addicts credit their sobriety to the diligent observance of the Twelve Steps’ principles. The program has sections dedicated to how individuals can unchain themselves from the shackles of alcoholism, as well as how they can channel their positive transformation to impact their communities.

To demonstrate its confidence in the transformative power of prayers for overcoming addiction, Alcoholics Anonymous has 12 different prayers dedicated to each of the 12 Steps. These invocations are typically said at the beginning or end of every 12 Step meeting.

Below are the wordings of the AA third step prayer;

“God, I offer myself to Thee - To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.”

Tags – Prayer of St. Francis 

Where Did The 3rd Step Prayer Come From?

Like many Alcoholics Anonymous prayers, the 3rd Step prayer has no definitive origin.

The 3rd step prayer was initially associated with Alcoholics Anonymous founders - Bill W and Bob Smith. However, there’s no direct reference to the prayer in any of Bill and Bob’s known publications, including “The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.”

A more accurate origin of the third step prayer AA can be traced several years after Alcoholics Anonymous was founded. Variations of the prayer appear in the 1976 publication “How To Be a Winner” by Harold Hill.

Hill was a businessman and AA program member. The decorated author claimed to have seen the hand of God throughout his struggles with alcoholism. He would later write dozens of publications, many of which focus on challenging readers to rise above substance addiction and pursue a life of freedom.

Here’s an excerpt from “How To Be a Winner” that references the 3rd step prayer;

“Lord, take over the management of my life, my affairs, everything about me. Take over the decision-making, because I haven't done too well on my own. Take over the parts of my life that I'm ready to surrender to You, and help me to surrender more. Thank You, Lord, for understanding how hard it is for me to give up myself.”

But while Harold Hill is credited for creating the 3rd step prayer AA, it was Alcoholics Anonymous that truly gave meaning to the prayer after adopting it in the 1980s.

Exploring Harold Hill’s Inspiration

There are several Biblical elements to the 3rd step AA prayer, suggesting that Harold Hill might have drawn heavily from the holy book.

For instance, Proverbs 3:5- 6 nudges us to wholly lean on God’s strength and never rely on our understanding. It’s an admission that we’re blunt instruments at best.

Another noteworthy reference to the third step prayer comes from James 4:7, which challenges us to submit our will and desires to God. Again, the underlying theme is total surrender.

Philippians 4:13 reinforces the imperative of unwavering trust in the Lord by reminding us that through him, we’re invincible.

Besides the numerous scriptural references impressing us to cultivate complete faith in God, Harold Hill likely borrowed from other non-Biblical doctrines. For instance, a famous Christian song aptly titled “I Surrender All,” was composed by Judson W. Van Deventer (1855 - 1939).

Tags - third step prayer 

Delving Into the Meaning and Symbolism of the Third Step Prayer

The third step, prayer broadly, reinforces the significance of entrusting our cares to a higher power. But to fully grasp the meaning of this AA prayer, it’s important to break it down into several segments.

Below are the underlying messages in each line of the 3rd Step prayer AA;

“God, I offer myself to thee.”

This line is an expression of total surrender and unwavering faith in God. It’s a solemn admission that with divine intervention, no obstacle is insurmountable.

“To build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt.”

The second part of the 3rd step of prayer cues us to invite God into our lives and allow His will to take preeminence in all our endeavors. Trusting in God is another reassurance, as He’ll always have our best interests at heart.

“Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will….”

One critical element of recovery is acknowledging that the journey ahead will be challenging. But by reciting this line, you’re appealing to God to free you from the burden caused by being overly anxious about your newfound path.

“Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.”

Arguably the most symbolic line of the 3rd step prayer, this sentence emphasizes the communal benefits of overcoming addiction. It shows that by rising above our tribulations, we can use our lives as case studies to inspire hope in those still struggling with alcohol addiction.

Tags – Serenity Prayer

 Final Word

Adopting a prayerful lifestyle can tremendously impact your road to full sobriety. Through prayer, you can tap into your higher power, the lack of which can make your recovery journey painfully long and grueling.

Alcoholics Anonymous third step prayer is particularly renowned for its immense transformative effects. Whisper this prayer each morning before retiring to bed and whenever relapse urges threaten to overwhelm you.

To fully unlock the power of prayer, be sure to embrace other healthy lifestyle habits like mindfulness meditation. Considering that a relapse can occur anytime and often without warning, it’s essential to reinforce each milestone achieved by recommitting yourself to staying clean. 


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