Posted by Daniella Park on 22nd Jan 2020
My name is Jeremy Powell. My sobriety date is 6/3/13. My drug of choice was opiates but I ran the gamut on taking what ever. I am a 34 year old who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’m a building engineer who since getting sober has gotten married, had a daughter, got a great job Just bought my second house and I’m in the process of starting my own business. For fun I’ve done some recovery stand up shows and love telling jokes and making people laugh. I’ve found that NA and AA crowds are the best for comedy. They’re not easily offended and you can push the humor pretty far. Now that I’m a dad and a busy guy I don’t have as much time for stand up so with John we started dopesickmemes. It’s a lot of fun and it’s a form of humor that can reach a lot of people in recovery and I can do between jobs or before bed. I love to make light of super serious situations. I know people die everyday from this disease so instead of being sad about it we make light and make laughs. I make most the memes and then he manages the page. It’s a perfect match. instagram: dope.sick.memes