Posted by Luke Pool on 18th May 2017
It goes without saying that an alcohol or drug problem will have an effect on a person’s career; however, there are many ways that sobriety can affect a person’s career, too. The journey of recovery essentially requires a person to adopt an entirely new way of life, which can be difficult if a long-term career must be the one constant in this new equation. Similarly, changing careers while in recovery is difficult for different reasons. But arguably the biggest obstacle that recovery can pose to your career is when you’re trying to find or start a new career after starting your sobriety.
One common misconception about recovery is that it has a finite beginning and end, but that’s not entirely true. While the recovery journey does have a definitive beginning, the recovery process never completely ends. It’s important to remember this because safeguarding one’s sobriety must be an continuous objective or goal as a person builds the foundation of a long-term career. If you’re someone who is new to recovery, let’s take a moment to consider the specific ways that your career might be affected after starting your sobriety.
Starting your sobriety, the hardest career-related task would be to find a career while having limited or minimal experience in the field. It’s quite common for those who have held jobs rather than careers to have been in positions that are unrelated; therefore, very little of the individual’s work history applies to the desired career track. However, the most reliable way of getting started in a new career is to find an entry-level position in that industry. Once an entry-level position has been secured, diligence and dedication will allow the individual to work his or her way up the ladder, progressing to more highly desired positions with better salary, benefits, and perks.
The most difficult thing about starting a new career is being patient. Much like recovery itself, finding a career doesn’t happen overnight. Those who have overcome their addictions and are looking to find a long-term career must continue to exert time and effort; this can mean searching for prospects on the internet or doing the legwork by dropping off copies of one’s résumé to prospective employers. Even when it seems that one’s efforts are for nought, remaining dedicated to finding a career will eventually yield positive results.
Luke Pool is a grateful member of the Recovery community. He has found his purpose in life by helping those who suffer from the diseases of addiction. He uses blogging and social media to raise awareness about this epidemic, affecting every part of this country. Now working for Stodzy internet marketing, he is able to pursue his passion by informing as many people as possible about addiction. Originally from Austin, Texas he now lives in South Florida.