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Embrace The New
Embrace The New

Posted by Jennifer Stewart on 23rd Oct 2016


By Jennifer Stewart

‘Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.’

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I believe a mind which is not stimulated regularly with new outlooks & different skills, is never fully satisfied.

Don’t you remember as a child or a teenager; that moment when you possess a new talent?

That moment when you nail all the cords on the guitar and bust out a perfect tune.

Or that moment you successfully ride a bike for the first time …don’t you remember how exciting it felt?

How alive you felt at those small moments in life?!

I think we tend to leave our childlike minds at rest as we get older, and we forget to consider the possibilities of what we may find through following that childlike spirit.

The world is full of beautiful things, wonderful things to do, amazing places to venture to & truly an amazing world filled with outstandingly beautiful people all throughout it.

Lack of money & time is a lot of peoples’ excuses for not ‘embracing something new’

“I don’t have the time, I need to work all week”

“We cannot, we have young children, and we’re limited”

“We don’t have money to do anything, we are saving for the wedding”


Learn a new language > don’t have time?

>> learn two new words before you go to sleep each night! – You’ll amaze yourself – three months down the track – you’ll thank yourself.

Learn to surf > try authentic food from a country you never would have before > go skinny dipping in the moonlight! > have a go at an instrument > experience different cultures>>

>> do something different.

Embrace something new!


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