Posted by Daniella Park on 14th May 2024
The hurdles of life are many and varied. Some people have to battle depression, while others will need to overcome substance abuse. Irrespective of which mountain you must climb, it’s crucial to stop every once in a while, and reflect on how far you’ve made it.
Those on the sobriety journey are particularly likely to benefit from pausing and smelling the roses periodically. Just so happens that measuring success like this can do wonders for your physical and mental help.
This guide will consider the benefits of sobriety chip recognition in AA solutions and how this system works. But first, let’s understand the AA solution and what the chip means.
Understanding AA Chips
AA Chips are tiny, circular tokens offered to people on their recovery journey. These coins indicate the progress the recipient made and what period they were sober. Therefore, they’re essentially a physical reminder that sobriety is about daily victories.
Typically, you’ll find them in people's bags, pockets, or purses, serving as tangible and visible reminders of their sobriety efforts.
Brief Background of AA Chips
There doesn't appear to be a definitive record, and it's unclear when the chip system first emerged. However, multiple accounts describe the following story of a nun working at the St. Thomas Hospital (Akron, OH). She offered Sacred Heart tokens to those who promised sobriety once discharged. Another record points to the leader of an Alcoholics Anonymous group. This AA leader in Indianapolis was said to have introduced this practice in 1942. Meanwhile, another account mentioned a medallion that the founder of Cleveland's first chapter fashioned for himself out of a silver dollar.
Today, AA chips have been a crucial part of the 12-step program despite not being mandatory. Both the Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous fellowships recognize these chips as crucial pieces for celebrating milestones.
How the AA Chip Solution Works
For those just stumbling into sobriety, the typical question is, “How does sobriety chip recognition and the AA solution work?” The answer is simple. Every group, and even remote meeting groups, have a unique way of using its AA medallions. However, several 12-step fellowships host medallion or chip nights in honor of the recipients of tokens.
On the flip side, some fellowship groups share these tokens during AA meetings. In some cases, new members receive a 24-hour chip, which signifies the 24 hours of the day and their contribution to the daily sobriety journey.
Hence, the list goes on as the days pass, and sobriety continues into 30, 60, 90 days, and so on. Twelve-step fellows collect coins like infinity stones to show their dedication while displaying the love, support, and motivation the group provides.
AA Chip Color Code
You’ll find several AA chips with different colors. Each color indicates a unique milestone. Below are the various colors of AA chips in order of days.
- White - Begin or renew sobriety commitment.
- Silver - 24 hours sobriety
- Red - 30 days
- Gold - 60 days
- Green - 90 days
- Purple - 4 months
- Pink - 5 months
- Dark Blue - 6 months
- Copper - 7 months
- Red - 8 months
- Purple - 9 months
- Gold - 10 months
- Green - 11 months
- Bronze - 1 year
Though there’s no universal standard determining the meaning of the colors of AA coins, the above is the general meaning you’ll find in most NA and AA groups.
Obtaining Your Sobriety AA Chips
There are several ways to get your hands on AA anniversary coins if you’re in a sobriety group. For starters, you can obtain it at a recovery meeting when you complete a program.
However, not every AA group has chip solutions for measuring success. Usually, members are free to switch groups to find one that provides the support and program that suits their preferences. So, if you’d like a group that gives out AA chips, the possibilities are endless.
But once you receive your chip, it’s also important to know what to do with it. You need to keep it in a visible and accessible place. This can be your pocket, wallet, or purse. However, some prefer to keep their tokens in a special box. The choice is yours.
Measuring Success Beyond AA Chips
Despite their vital role in the sobriety world, AA anniversary medallions aren’t the only tool for celebrating sobriety in AA groups. Everyone can personally celebrate their effort and acknowledge their sober lifetime in their own way. This personal initiative can go a long way in supporting your personal goal outside your community. Some examples may include your first summer trip without a drink, your first birthday celebration without a drink, etc.
Another vital thing to remember is to avoid stopping at the ‘don’t. Think about it for a second. If you focus your attention solely on the forbidden activity, your risk of relapse increases significantly.
Instead, the road to success should be a positive one that prioritizes positive alternative behaviors to replace substance abuse. These should be activities you’re passionate about. These help free your mind of the urge to relapse and promote a healthy lifetime.
Whenever you hit a milestone, whichever way appeals to you with any award you deem fit, provide it in support of your sobriety journey. Your sobriety journey will go a long way when you take pride in living your best life.
Sobriety Is Fun When Measured Properly
Receiving unique AA medallions for reaching sobriety milestones can be truly encouraging and motivating for new sobriety members. However, those struggling to stick to the path can benefit immensely from these tokens. Remember, the one-day rule is of the essence. So, take one step at a time and celebrate every milestone you have accomplished.
Either way, custom AA chips provide a viable means to stay sober in a world full of distraction and relapse triggers.