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Navigating Alcoholism: Embracing Acceptance, AA and Coping Strategies
Navigating Alcoholism: Embracing Acceptance, AA and Coping Strategies

Posted by Daniella Park on 1st Apr 2024

People drink alcohol for varying reasons. Some do it for fun; others drink for stress relief, while others simply take it because of social pressure.However, alcohol is addictive and a commonly abused drink.

According to this survey, more than 29.5 Americans aged 12 and above deal with alcohol use disorder, which affects their daily life. You are not alone if you are dealing with alcohol or drug substance addiction, and you can get help through professional counseling.

In this guide, we will tell you more about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a program for people committed to stopping alcohol abuse. We will also share top insights to help you cope with addiction, accept yourself, and start your recovery journey.

Keep reading for more informative insights.

Understanding AA and How It Works

understanding Alcoholics Anonymous

Before we move further, let’s first understand AA in alcoholism. It's a program run by people who have gone through alcohol addiction and are now helping others have a smooth recovery journey. The experiences make them understanding and better able to offer advice than other recovery approaches.

AA has been around for a while because of its practical solutions on how to stay sober. It offers a haven for people with addiction by empathizing and sharing practical strategies on how they can regain control of their lives. Nevertheless, other techniques like professional rehab treatment are also needed in some cases.

Most addicts suffer from denial, which makes it hard for them to recognize the problem and seek help. AA’s approach is centered on softening and making them accept their situation to begin recovery. Additionally, it provides a platform for victims to share experiences among themselves. They can then follow these 12 steps to recovery:

12 Steps to Alcohol-Free Life Using AA Program

1. Acknowledge the drinking problem and recognize its adverse effects on their lives.

2. Believe that they can overcome it with help from a higher power or a previous addict.

3. Accept to do what it takes to ease the recovery process.

4. Recognize their strength and know how to manipulate them to promote recovery.

5. Acknowledge mistakes, but don’t allow the inner guilt to prevent them from receiving the help they need.

6. Be ready to embrace, interact, and get along with the people prepared to help you.

7. Ask a higher power to help you get out of the issue. This step is similar to the third one but is more specific because you’veidentified your strengths at this point, and you are ready for help.

8. Acknowledge that you have hurt others. Write a list of the wrongdoings done and be ready to correct them.

9. Contact/connect with the people you have hurt and ask them for forgiveness.

10. Continue admitting that you were wrong and eliminate the denial in your heart.

11. Seek more help from other people through prayer and social connections.

12. Repeat all the stages of recovery to maintain your sobriety. Also, talk to other people in need about the 12 steps.

If you carefully re-read the above points, you will notice that Acceptance in AA is the main focus. You have to fully accept the addiction problem so that you can start your recovery journey.

Starting Your Sobriety Journey

Once you have accepted your problem, it’s easier to start your journey to becoming sober.

sobriety necklace

You need a high level of discipline and commitment in this step, and hence, you may need to remind yourself of how far you’ve come by appreciating and motivating yourself for the milestones.

AA chips provide a tangible reminder of your journey to sobriety. They are small round tokens given to a person if they remain sober after some time, and they act as a reminder of how far a person has come.

There are many AA recovery coins, which come in different colors and even materials. Here are the main AA chips in order:

  • White chip AA marks the start of the recovery journey
  • Silver chip AA shows 24 hours of sobriety
  • Gold chips mark 60 days of no alcohol use
  • Green chips mark 90 days of no alcohol use
  • pink chip marks 5 months of no alcohol
  • Bronze chip shows one year of sobriety

You may get as many coins and gifts as possible to celebrate every milestone for up to two years.

Embracing Acceptance and Recovery from Narcotics and Other Substances

recovery from narcotics

Just like alcohol, narcotics is another commonly abused drug. If you are trying to stop abusing narcotics, you can get help by seeking the help of a professional counselor or joining a rehabilitation center.

Better still, you can embrace the famous Narcotics Anonymous and addiction support with the same operation model as alcohol anonymous. Once you accept your condition and start to recover, you may use NA coins to celebrate your achievement and remain sober to get the other medal.

NA medallions are similar to the AA coins and come in varying colors and materials. Many get these coins in recovery meetings after the treatment program. You can also buy the coin to congratulate yourself after remaining sober for some time.

Don’t worry if you don’t like coins; you can still get the sobriety necklace, which shows your strength and determination in trying to get over the drug addiction.

Other Ways to Curb Alcohol and Drug Abuse

ways to curb drug abuse

Stopping a habit is never easy, but it’s doable with determination. Here are other ways to help you stop alcohol or narcotics abuse:

  • Write your reasons for stopping alcohol. For instance, you may need a healthier life or reunite with family.
  • Create a limit for your drinking.
  • Avoid going to the bar or storing alcohol in your house to stop temptations.
  • Find other engaging activities like workouts and sports to keep yourself busy
  • Seek support from friends and family.


Alcohol and drug addiction affects many people in the world, but there’s always a way out. If you are addicted to alcohol or any other drug, start your recovery journey by accepting yourself and being ready to seek help. Also, talk to people who have successfully stopped drinking to gain motivation. Don’t forget the chips and coins to celebrate your achievements as well.

Your journey to sobriety may take time, but it will be worth the commitment. Contact us today if you need medallions for your recovery journey or recovery gifts for your loved ones. 


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