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Overcoming Addiction-Related Guilt After Recovery
Overcoming Addiction-Related Guilt After Recovery

Posted by Tommy Zimmer on 28th Jul 2017

Throughout your addiction, you may have made mistakes. You were not yourself and you could have damaged relationships you had with others. Maybe you said some things you cannot take back now. Perhaps you stole a cherished item from a friend. If you struggled with an addiction, you likely pushed away many of your friends and family. Addiction can bring out the worst nature within ourselves. Once this bad nature is unleashed, things can become all the more difficult for you. You might not be sure of exactly how to move forward on your journey to recovery.

During your recovery, you might have forgiven yourself for everything that happened. However, you may not have been able to overcome the guilt you feel toward others. You might begin to start reconnecting with those people. To begin fixing your broken relationships, you may want to speak with the person. What exactly did you to do to him or her? This might be the first question you ask because you may have blacked out that night and not have any memory of the events. This gives the other person the chance to explain everything from his or her perspective.

There is always the chance you might remember things somewhat, but is important to hear the person out either way. Once you both have sorted through the negative feelings you share, you may now begin to rectify things. To move beyond the feelings of resentment the other person might have toward you, you might have to reestablish a connection again. The hope is that you and your loved one can patch things up. However, it may take time, and the two of you might have to spend more time together. You might have to get to know one another again. Recovery can change you into a whole new person if you are able to accept the mistakes you made.

In many ways, your recovery may not end after your substance abuse treatment. It might only be starting at this point. To look at where you and this person are going, it may behoove you to figure out what your goals are for your life now that you have finished your formal recovery. It could help to clarify the direction your journey to recovery will be with your loved one now that your addiction difficulties are over. Once you establish these recovery goals, you may be able to start working toward benchmarks in your relationships.

Once you are able to change things for the better, you do not ever want to take such improvements for granted. Throwing away progress you made in a relationship with someone else could be the most detrimental mistake you ever make. Remaining aware of what you need to do to make your sobriety a success can give you a greater chance to succeed. You and your loved one might heal your relationship if you do not forget how powerful your journey to recovery is.

About the author: Tommy Zimmer is a writer whose work has appeared online and in print. His work covers a variety of topics, including politics, economics, health and wellness, addiction and recovery, and the entertainment industry.


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