

The Power of the Third Step Prayer in Alcoholics Anonymous

The Power of the Third Step Prayer in Alcoholics Anonymous

Posted by Daniella Park on 18th Jul 2024

Dealing with chronic alcohol abuse isn’t easy, and deciding to quit is undoubtedly one of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make. But the sacrifice can be ultimately rewarding.

Giving up alcohol consumption will have you contend with a host of withdrawal symptoms. The constant headaches, uncontrollable muscle twitches, frequent mood swings, persistent anxiety, and sleep disturbances can often feel too overwhelming.

And while these symptoms may only last for a few weeks after quitting alcohol, they can reduce the quality of life significantly. That explains why alcohol relapse statistics are ever on the rise.

Fortunately, there are several interventions you can implement to overcome alcohol withdrawal symptoms and stay on course to full sobriety. One such solution is by tapping into Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)’s third-step prayer.

Read below to uncover what the 3rd step prayer AA entails.

What Is The Third-Step Prayer?

BSP Praying Hands AA Token - Serenity Prayer

The third step prayer is one of the twelve prayers introduced by Alcoholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, or AA as it’s commonly abbreviated, is a global fellowship of former and recovering alcohol addicts. Members of the AA community share anonymously the challenges they encountered while they were hooked to alcohol and how they surmounted those obstacles.

Alcoholics Anonymous founders - Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith - were cognizant of the difficulties experienced by former alcohol addicts. As such, they introduced a series of prayers to help those in rehabilitation cope with alcohol withdrawal symptoms. These prayers are divided into twelve steps, each designated for specific milestones achieved on the road to sobriety.

AA 3rd step prayer is one of the most profound of Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12-step prayers. Like the remaining 11, the third-step prayer was composed taking inspiration from the Oxford Group.

What Does The Third Step Prayer Say?

Here are the wordings of the third step Alcoholics Anonymous prayer;

God, I offer myself to Thee – to build with me and to do with me as Thou wilt.

Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will.

Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of Life.

May I do Thy will always!

Recovery Coin

What Is The Significance Of The Third-Step Prayer?

1. Promotes Healing

Prayer may be a spiritual experience. However, its effects can transcend dimensional boundaries.

Multiple findings have shown that prayer might help manage end-of-life scenarios, such as terminal illnesses. Some healthcare providers also recommend tapping into the higher power either as a form of complementary medicine or an alternative remedy.

Alcohol addiction may not be a terminal condition. However, the associated withdrawal symptoms can prove overwhelming for many recovering addicts, particularly those who were deeply hooked to the bottle.

Saying the third step prayer AA can make a significant difference for recovering alcoholics. The prayer serves as a reminder that there’s a higher power always watching over us, who’s keenly concerned about our health and wellbeing.

2. Combats Drinking Cues

Besides providing a medium for connecting with the divine, prayer can also serve as a welcome distraction for mental health and substance abuse patients. That’s because praying involves thought consolidation.

Prayer allows you to control your emotions fully and combat self-sabotaging thoughts. It can be an effective intervention when dealing with rehabilitation challenges.

The AA third step prayer might come in handy when alcohol cravings strike. Retreat to a quiet spot and passionately plead your case to your higher power.

Say the words of the third prayer softly but meaningfully. You’ll be amazed at how quickly alcohol cues will dissipate from your mind.

3. Reminds Of a Higher Being in Control

The wordings of the third-step AA prayer say it all. By repeating this prayer often, you acknowledge God’s power over your life. It’s a solemn admission that while the decision to quit alcohol was personal, the ensuing rehabilitation challenges are beyond your capacity to overcome.

Now, it’s intuitive to take all the credit for every milestone achieved on the journey to sobriety. But unknown to many recovering addicts, there’s always a higher force at play. AA’s step 3 prayer is a profound appeal to God to control your feelings and thoughts. It’s a gesture of complete surrender to God’s will.

Serenity Prayer  Recovery  Greeting Card

How to Practice the Third Step Prayer

1. Begin your mornings with a prayer

Mornings are generally the ideal times to pray. As you thank the Almighty for His unmerited gift of life, spare a few seconds to whisper the AA 3rd step prayer.

Saying this prayer in the morning will prompt divine protection over you as you head off to work.

It reminds you that you’re a weak vessel at best and that you solely depend on God’s unfailing grace to fend off alcohol cues that you’ll encounter throughout the day.

2. Repeat the third-step prayer throughout the day

It’s thoughtful to surrender your worries to God Almighty in the morning. But a single morning prayer may not confer the resilience you require to avoid a relapse, especially if you live in an environment where alcohol cues are present at every turn.

Instead, it would be prudent to say the AA prayer whenever an opportunity presents itself. Chant the prayer during work breaks or while doing the laundry to combat intrusive thoughts.

The words of the AA 3rd step should remain forever on your lips, serving as a handy weapon against negative persuasions.

3. Combine the prayer with AA Coins

Alcoholics Anonymous coins are chips or medallions designed to help recovering addicts celebrate certain milestones in their sobriety journey. These chips are available in different colors, each representing the milestone achieved.

If you’re looking for the best sobriety gifts for him, you might want to consider AA medallions.

Wearing a pendant mounted with an AA coins can constantly remind you of your solemn commitment to sobriety. Whenever alcohol cravings threaten to overwhelm you, simply hold the AA chips in your palm and say the step 3 prayer.

4. Don’t stop seeking help

We cannot overstate the significance of seeking professional help. Visit a licensed therapist regularly and have them assess your recovery progress.

Their insights might come in handy in recommending other withdrawal treatments in addition to the three-step prayer.

St. Francis Recovery Greeting Card

Final Word

AA’s third-step prayer has been instrumental in helping former alcohol addicts achieve 100% abstinence. However, it’s not the only intervention you need to wean yourself from alcohol addiction and dependency.

There are several other strategies you can practice in addition to the third step prayer AA. Examples include avoiding social circles or places that could trigger drinking cues, socializing more, and following an effective stress management plan.


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