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The Trouble With Using Benzodiazepines Long Term

The Trouble With Using Benzodiazepines Long Term

Posted by Tommy Zimmer on 16th Jan 2018

There's nothing wrong with taking benzodiazepines if you have a legitimate medical problem. You might be anxious and not be able to control these feelings on a daily basis. You could be experiencing trouble maintaining power over your seizures. You would not be alone with the need for benzodiazepine prescriptions growing by more than two thirds during the last 20 years. Initially, there was about four percent of people taking benzodiazepines with an increase to 5.6 percent by 2013. The drugs work to create a less anxious state through relaxing your muscles and sedating you.

There are over 2,000 different benzodiazepines, which have been created. Some such as Chlordiazepoxide and diazepam are long-acting while short-acting ones are Alprazolam and lorazepam. Yet, there can be difficulties using these drugs. It's not all simplistic with these drugs taking away the symptoms you are struggling with. They can lead to side effects that might create troubles for someone as time goes forward.

When taking benzodiazepines, abuse of the drug could occur and it may be important to pay attention to just which side effects may come about:

1.) You could become confused

2.) You may experience dizziness
3.) You might have blurred vision
4.) Your speech can be slurred
5.) You could have difficulty breathing

While these symptoms are bad, you may even end up in a coma. That might be the worst of anything that could happen to you. You may be able to notice these symptoms within yourself or your loved one, who is struggling with this type of abuse and might need help for drug addiction. There can be some tell-tale signs that might point you toward the conclusion you or someone is struggling with these issues:

1.) Anorexia

2.) Headaches
3.) Weakness
4.) Anxiety
5.) Insomnia

You may be able to tell you or someone else cannot sleep and has bags under her eyes. It might be that simple. Yet, some of these symptoms can be associated with everyday life. You could have a headache because of sitting in an office all day and listening to people speak or be anxious because you have many chores you have to get to when leaving work.

However, if you suspect someone is struggling with a benzodiazepine abuse issue, this is where you may wish to take action. Speaking to them about what is going on with their life and whether or not they have started to abuse a drug they were prescribed for might be necessary to figuring out what is going on with their life.

When conducting an intervention, it could be very necessary to stay focused on the person who you are trying to help. Keeping everyone involved within that situation apprised of that viewpoint can create a great cohesion and less confusion for the person going through the struggle. Once they see how much support they have, the hope is they may decide to seek help for drug addiction.

The events of everything may not be easy for you or others. Yet, changing the life of you or the person suffering can be the ultimate end for transforming that person's life for the better.

About the author: Tommy Zimmer is a writer whose work has appeared online and in print. His work covers a variety of topics, including politics, economics, health and wellness, addiction and recovery, and the entertainment industry. 


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